RAYMOND THOMAS SYRJA    Summerland, BC    visual artist

RAYMOND THOMAS SYRJA    Summerland, BC    visual artist


Jasper National Park

Medicine Lake & Annunciation Peak, Jasper National Park 22” x 30” watercolour  I did the drawing in Jasper 10 years ago and finished the painting this week.

Medicine Lake & Annunciation Peak, Jasper National Park 22” x 30” watercolour I did the drawing in Jasper 10 years ago and finished the painting this week.

Morning has broken...

East of Jasper along the Athabaska River

22” x 30” watercolour

framed to 29” x 37”

The Snowdome

Next to the Columbia Ice Fields on the Ice Fields Parkway

22” x 30” watercolour

framed to 29” x 37”

Mt. Dromore & Lac Beauvert 

The golf course.

22” x 30” watercolour framed to 29” x 37”

Roche Noir & Patricia Lake

22” x 30” watercolour

framed to 29” x 37”

Roche Miette

11” x 15” watercolour

framed to 16” x 20”

Mirrored Echo

On the Ice Fields Parkway.

16” x 21” watercolour framed to 24” x 28”

A Winter Marsh

In the Hinton area.

9” x 13” watercolour

framed to 15” x 19”

Shine A Little Light ...

12” x 16” x 3/4” acrylic on canvas, unframed

Shadow Vision

12” x 16” x 3/4” acrylic on canvas, unframed

The Sentinels

12” x 16” x 3/4” acrylic on canvas, unframed